Category: Shows

Niteshift: May 17, 2016

Niteshift: May 3, 2016

Niteshift Prince Special: April 26, 2016

There’ve been other PRINCE specials but none like this one!! It’s all about the REMIXES and the B-SIDES! the best of rare remixes b-sides, plus interviews with PRINCE and Prince fans!


Niteshift: April 19, 2016

Niteshift: April 5, 2016

Niteshift: March 29, 2016

Niteshift: March 15, 2016

In depth interview with Gavin Hood, director of Eye In The Sky.
Eye In The Sky is in theaters now.

Niteshift: March 8, 2016

Interviews with Remember director Atom Egoyan, documentary filmmaker Joe Angio and The Final Project director Taylor Ri’chard.

Remember, starring Christopher Plummer and Martin Landau, is at the Angelika Film Center until March 17.

Joe Angio’s documentary How to Eat Your Watermelon in White Company (and Enjoy It) is now available on iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Netflix and DVD.


The Final Project is in theaters right now.


Niteshift: February 23, 2016