Mike Sargent is joined this week by Lia Petridis and the Italian Animal, Joe Maucieri. Mike reviews “You Don’t Mess With The Zohan” and gets mocked for not returning calls and wearing an old shirt.

Life is Like Science Fiction stories: 

1) Pot without the high 

2) US outlaws genetic discrimination

 3) Solar Powered Bra

4) Psychics see big trouble over new laws

5) Air Pollution Linked To Blood Clots

6) Joe Maucieri: Sarah Jessica Parker has a horse face and “Them Man Hands”

7) Female flies lose their heads to sing like a male.

8 Vitamins A, C and E are ‘a waste of time and may even shorten your life’

9) Eat insects, say scientists

10) The right time for women to quit smoking

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